Everything tagged with 'web'

· Is Bluesky in the Fediverse?
And does it even really matter?

I like Bluesky a lot and I like Mastodon too but mostly I really like websites tbh


People: there should be a social media platform that’s not owned by a corporation and can’t die due to lack of investment

Mastodon: hi, we-

People: no


Sad to hear about Cohost, I thought it was really neat.


I’m sorry to say it’s just a very ugly cURL script! It looks like this:

url="$(echo $note | sed -e 's|content|https://www.joelotter.com|' -e 's|\.md|/|')"

echo "Waiting for URL to become available..."
until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail $url); do
  printf '.'
  sleep 5
echo "Page is up."

Thanks! I’d heard a little bit about Astro but not really read into it - from looking at it just now I think it’s probably a bit more heavyweight than what I’d need. Additionally I’ve reached the point where anything running on Node activates a trauma response in my brain. 😆


Great spot, thanks, have fixed!


Can anyone recommend a Google Analytics alternative that isn’t a privacy nightmare for a personal website?


Sure! The basic thesis, really, is that AP is very server-oriented, whereas AT is more oriented around the individual user and their data.

So, while your data obviously does live on a server in an AT world, you aren’t necessarily too fussed about which server that is, and it can move - account portability is listed as their main reason to not use AP. So AT’s focus is more around individuals in one giant federated network, whereas AP as it’s mostly used today is more about communities which are themselves interoperable. Out-of-the-box AT is less interested in building narrower, more gated communities, though they do say it should be able to be narrowed down to support that.

I’d say AT Proto appeals to folks like me who run essentially single-user Mastodon instances and just want to chat to - and discover - the whole network, and possibly also to folks who are on the really big instances where they don’t work so much as communities in themselves. It’s perhaps less useful for folks in the many Fedi communities that are quite self-contained and just happen to want to talk to the wider world.

There’s also a good point made about how moderation and server administration are decoupled.

I’d say do read the interview, it’s a good one and Nilay is as always a great interviewer. There’s also a brief FAQ on the AT Proto website:



I want to follow more blogs and things on my feed reader - what are some of your favourites?

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