I’ve reached that point in the development of my game engine I’ve been dreading: I’ve got to implement a scroll pane for UI.
I’ve reached that point in the development of my game engine I’ve been dreading: I’ve got to implement a scroll pane for UI.
A friend got a MacBook recently and was asking for recommendations. I found myself wishing I had a list of all my default-installed command-line tools, so that’s what this is.
A little update from me and Bearwaves: our as-yet-unannounced Game Two is well underway, and while we’re not ready to show anything publicly yet we’ve been testing with friends and family and the response has been really positive. DM if you’re interested!
Must be using LinkedIn wrong - every time I see one of those “why game X was destined to fail” posts I click into the profile of the post author and cannot for the life of me find any record of the games they’ve shipped? Any pro LI users have advice?
Coming to the disappointing conclusion that developing games for Android without any Java at all is impractical enough as to be impossible.
Having to use Perforce is a form of slow torture. Who invented this? What’s their address? Just wanna talk
We fixed this in Bridgy yesterday. Here’s the PR, if helpful: https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/844
If you click through the linked issues you’ll see discussion on the Bluesky side. They might be able to retroactively fix existing images, but unsure
Baffled by how difficult it is to render a rectangle outline using a shader without pixel alignment going all wonky. GPUs were a mistake
Trying to get an animation framework in place for Game 2 and struggling - some animations can happen in parallel while some need to effectively pause state updates and structuring this in a neat way is proving tricky. Feud’s wee state machine won’t cut it.
I use harfbuzz for layout, which uses Freetype metrics, so the hard thing was getting those to line up with the glyph metrics emitted by MSDFgen.
Playing Metaphor: ReFantazio which has some of the most stunning UI work I’ve ever seen. Meanwhile I can’t get the text boxes to reflow properly in my own game engine.
I’ve been running this website on IndieWeb principles and tech for over a year now, so I thought it was time for an updated edition.
Just got myself unstuck from a tricky Lua-C interop thing that I’d been going round in circles on for weeks now. Pleased!
Can anyone recommend a Google Analytics alternative that isn’t a privacy nightmare for a personal website?
A thoroughly wasted evening trying to make Wi-Fi work on a Raspberry Pi Zero. I’ve been using Linux for nearly two decades and Wi-Fi still baffles me.
Might ship a game tomorrow
Just submitted the final build of Feud 2.0 for review to the stores. It’s real, it’s happening, we’re doing it
Not sure yet if we’ll get any kind of boost from visibility on Steam when we leave Early Access but here’s hoping.
Just spent ages messing around with diagram software trying to get my network diagram to look right, only to give up and just do it on a whiteboard and take a picture of it. My handwriting aside, it’s far more readable
Working out who to contact for press stuff in games now seems so much harder than it did five years ago. How does this work? Who do I talk to? Aaaahhh
brid.gy’s Bluesky integration now supports publishing! This post was published by Bridgy! Wow! There’s some code of mine in there, do have a go.
Any games press types On Here who would like to try out a prerelease build of Feud 2.0? Get in touch if so!
Quite a nice day of Feud polishing and bug fixing. Still got a couple of localisations to review and import but other than that I’m feeling good about the release on the 23rd!
brid.gy I would obviously keep, because brid.gy is incredible
What I think I’d like is some sort of simple web server that sits next to Hugo and provides the Micropub/Webmention endpoints and serves the site. I think having the content live in Git rather than a DB is definitely something I’d want to keep.
So at this point I’ve got:
Does it work? Yes! Is it better than if I’d just written a fucking server? hahahaha no
I ended up moving my Micropub endpoint from DigitalOcean to Lambda - I usually prefer working on DO (the AWS console/config is just painful) but the lack of support for custom domains, plus the 1MB limit on POST requests, kind of made the choice obvious.
If you’re reading this post on Mastodon, it’s gone through a fairly baroque sequence of steps:
Still, it’s nice to be able to write on my static site and have it syndicated without touching Git.
eos4j v1.2.0 has been released! This new version adds support for the Ecom
interface in Epic Online Services. It also fixes a bug with conversion from
timestamps to Java Date
Just played a tiny prototype of what might well become the next Bearwaves game and I am very energised.
I’ve lost two entire days of work to Terraform lockfile nonsense
My “weekend project” of implementing Bluesky support into Bridgy is finally, several months later, complete! Ish.
I do most of my daily work in Vim, and by this point I find it quite hard to use anything else, but for writing that isn’t code (or, let’s be real, mostly YAML these days) it could be a lot better.
eos4j v1.1.0 has been released! This new version features support for the Leaderboards interface in Epic Online Services.
Had my first report on eos4j this weekend from someone actually using it in their game! Very exciting.
I worked at Improbable in 2019, when Unity tried to change their TOS to screw us over. They ended up backtracking and put their TOS on GitHub, saying they would not change TOS retroactively.
It appears to be gone.
I always get a kick out of explaining to people how #golang’s magical, mildly terrifying timestamp formatting works.
Thinking of writing a GitHub bot to replace me at work that just comments “could you please split this up” on every PR.
Been attempting to integrate a native C library into a Java project and it’s proving to be a total nightmare, even with jnigen. Once again cursing myself for choosing to write a game in Java.
I’ve gone down into the depths these last couple of weeks with IndieWeb, POSSE and a whole bunch of other arcane terminology. Now that I’ve come up for air, let’s chat about it.
I struggled recently to work out how to build an APK out of a native Android app without using Gradle.
I use an app called Daylio as a diary and a mood tracker. It’s really good! I recommend it.
I also use an app called Habit to track things I want to do every day, like “stay off social media” or “work on a project”.
Notarization is required as of macOS 10.15 (Catalina), and it’s a bit of a minefield - doubly so for a Java application, or anything built outside Xcode.
The newest version of macOS (well, that’s out) has caused a lot of issues for a lot of people, game developers especially. I’ll write about my notarization woes in a separate post, but this should help address quite a specific issue.
I’ve been reading a lot about PICO-8 recently, and found it really interesting. For the uninitiated, PICO-8 is a ‘fantasy console’ - a games console which exists purely as a program and set of development tools, rather than a real piece of hardware. Developers can create games for PICO-8 which are small enough to be embedded directly into a .png image, which is really cool.
I had great fun last month writing a Reddit bot that pretended to be DJ Khaled. It’s been running ever since, but I thought it was about time to extend Khaled’s internet empire into another social media service. The obvious candidate: Tinder.
I’d wanted to make a Reddit bot for a little while, really just as a toy project, and finding the excellent PRAW library for Python (as well as finally having some time off) gave me the kick I needed to get it done. It’s also April Fool’s Day, so I thought I’d make something a bit stupid.
The game development landscape has changed significantly over the last few years (understatement of the century, but whatever). One of the most significant of these changes , especially for game developers - though it’s one that often goes unnoticed - is the rise of screen resolution and aspect ratio fragmentation.
Before I begin, I should point out: Uplift isn’t dead. The Kickstarter for Uplift is dead. Sensationalist title, I know. Let’s pretend I’ve been learning how to be a journalist. Because having a blog definitely makes me a journalist, right? Ahem.