Everything tagged with 'bearwaves'


A little update from me and Bearwaves: our as-yet-unannounced Game Two is well underway, and while we’re not ready to show anything publicly yet we’ve been testing with friends and family and the response has been really positive. DM if you’re interested!


Very pleased to discover several games recently ported to the Epic store are using eos4j!

A screenshot of the Showcase section on the GitHub page for eos4j. There is box art for now four games - Feud, Age of Conquest IV, Retro Commander and Demise of Nations.

Might ship a game tomorrow


Just submitted the final build of Feud 2.0 for review to the stores. It’s real, it’s happening, we’re doing it

Our new Feud trailer on the store page. 'Better than Chess', it says.

Not sure yet if we’ll get any kind of boost from visibility on Steam when we leave Early Access but here’s hoping.


I just realised that Feud has crossed the 70,000 players mark! Very pleased

A screenshot that says 'Players: 70236 total players'

Any games press types On Here who would like to try out a prerelease build of Feud 2.0? Get in touch if so!


Quite a nice day of Feud polishing and bug fixing. Still got a couple of localisations to review and import but other than that I’m feeling good about the release on the 23rd!


Well, there’s still a fair amount of work to do - bugs to fix, translations to review - but as of today Feud is feature-complete for graduating from Early Access. It’s nearly eight years since we started working on it - longer than my professional game development career lasted!

A screenshot of Feud's commit graph from GitHub.

Just played a tiny prototype of what might well become the next Bearwaves game and I am very energised.

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