All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Got my layout being actually flexible now with preferred dimensions, expand, and fill. Alignment next. Loosely basing it on GTK because I like using GTK!

A screenshot of Growl showing coloured rectangles in a variety of dimensions.

Starting to get the flexible layout stuff implemented in Growl, my pet game engine. Very early days yet!

A screenshot of Growl showing lots of coloured rectangles in a flexible layout.

Went on a little autumnal walk (to Argos)

A copy of the new Zelda game

Made it home in time for bowls.

My friends bowling Bowling green in Peckham Trying to work out who won

I have eaten extremely well on this trip

A burger and waffle fries from Between Two Buns.

Vancouver’s really pretty.

The view to the stadium from the roof of the library. Down by the waterfront. Totem poles at Stanley Park The view out to north Vancouver

Managed to beat my 5K again! Dead pleased

Strava screenshot showing a 5k at 5m40 pace

Chuckling at this from the new Steam update.

Q. Why is LinkedIn on the list of social media links? A. We are also confused by the presence of LinkedIn in this list of links we found on game store pages. But the data don't lie: developers are already referencing LinkedIn from their written descriptions, so we've included it as an option.

It’s a lovely fresh crisp day here so here are four games with Impeccable Autumn Vibes. What are yours?

Forza Horizon 4 Moonlighter Dark Souls II Alan Wake

700 quid and they don’t even give you the stand, good grief lads

The PS5 Pro pricing slide.