All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

I ended up moving my Micropub endpoint from DigitalOcean to Lambda - I usually prefer working on DO (the AWS console/config is just painful) but the lack of support for custom domains, plus the 1MB limit on POST requests, kind of made the choice obvious.

If you’re reading this post on Mastodon, it’s gone through a fairly baroque sequence of steps:

  • A Micropub endpoint running as a serverless function
  • Hugo to build for my website
  • A hacky GHA script to run the publishing
  • to do the actual publishing.

Still, it’s nice to be able to write on my static site and have it syndicated without touching Git.

I shouldn’t be becoming numb to this but it is really just quite hard not to at this point

eos4j v1.2.0 has been released! This new version adds support for the Ecom interface in Epic Online Services. It also fixes a bug with conversion from timestamps to Java Date objects.

My new profile photo is from a New Years’ Day walk near the farm my mum grew up on, which is still farmed by my uncle. This old house and the area around it are referred to as “Macaleese’s” after the family that used to live there nearly a century ago. It was used to store hay bales until the top floor collapsed. I love it.

The doorway of a ruined house. You can see the old fireplace through the door. The fireplace. I wonder when this was last lit, and if they knew it at the time. This little lean-to was (we think) built by my Granda for storage. My family.

Quite liking where I’ve got my Vim setup to now. I don’t really miss an IDE, which is a first.

A screenshot of my Vim setup. There are two panes of code with a sidebar showing a file explorer, along with two other tmux panes.

I replaced the debug cat image in Growl with a picture of our actual cat. So long debug cat, you served us well.

A screenshot of Growl's debug UI A screenshot of Growl's debug UI with a different cat

We finally harvested our Lion’s mane! It became some rather nice crab cake-like things.

The lion's mane growing in their bag This is about as much as we got out Have you ever seen anyone look so excited about fungi? These crab cakes were yummy

We got the modelling clay out the other weekend so I decided to make this lightly deranged toothbrush holder.


Just saw the Wide Ocean Big Jacket devs have a new game out - instant buy for me.