All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Any games press types On Here who would like to try out a prerelease build of Feud 2.0? Get in touch if so!

Quite a nice day of Feud polishing and bug fixing. Still got a couple of localisations to review and import but other than that I’m feeling good about the release on the 23rd!

Trying to explain mastodon to this guy

A screenshot from Persona 3. The text reads “that’s enough about mammoths. I don’t see the big deal. They’re just huge elephants”.

Also the little tribute to Super Mario Sunshine in the cassette levels made me cackle

Celeste 64 is just wonderful. They could have so easily made it into a throwaway gag but it’s a tough-as-nails retro 3D platformer with typically beautiful music.

A screenshot of Celeste 64, showing the character standing on a high tower.

Not sure if I always get the Best Dressed commendation at the end of a Destiny match because I’m the best dressed, or because I’m actually quite shit at the game

Me when I start reading Perl documentation

The Northern Boys

A bit of a Hot Take I guess but…I think Lightning was a better connector than USB-C. It is at the very least more durable. I wish Apple had tried to make it an open standard, but then I guess we’d have multiple competing open standards, again.

Well, they got the name right.

My dad crossing a bridge in Oxford which has tipped onto its side. The sign on it reads “Danger Bridge”. My family look on in horror.

Trying to see how far I can get with NieR Reincarnation before it gets pulled offline.

A sceeenshot of NieR