All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Our new Feud trailer on the store page. 'Better than Chess', it says.

First Warlord’s Ruin clear!

A screenshot from Destiny 2

Not sure yet if we’ll get any kind of boost from visibility on Steam when we leave Early Access but here’s hoping.

I just realised that Feud has crossed the 70,000 players mark! Very pleased

A screenshot that says 'Players: 70236 total players'

At what point is the deadline for working my way through the leftover Christmas chocolate? At what point does it just become “we have too much chocolate in the house”?

Our game mentioned on Rock Paper Shotgun today - life goal unlocked

A screenshot from rock paper shotgun showing a small blurb about Feud’s release

I’m the biggest clean freak of anyone I know - to a probably unhealthy degree - and a past me would have absolutely had a panic attack, but at this point I’m so fucking cat-pilled I just went “aww sorry baby”, cleaned up and gave her an apology cuddle.

Managed to startle the cat when she was in her litter box today…which unfortunately meant in her haste to get away she trod on one of her recently laid delights. And then proceeded to run around the flat, which I could prove because she left prints. Cats!


Tower Bridge and the River Thames. It’s a bit grey and rainy.

Just spent ages messing around with diagram software trying to get my network diagram to look right, only to give up and just do it on a whiteboard and take a picture of it. My handwriting aside, it’s far more readable