All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Worth it though

Jack White at the Troxy Jack White at the Troxy

In the queue for the Jack White gig thinking “fuck there’s loads of ageing rockers here” and then had a terrible moment of self realisation

It’s been a horrible old grey day today but the blossoms have come out on our tree and that’s just lovely. I remember once my friend Antosh told me when I was in a bad place something like “the seasons keep changing, that encourages me”. It does yknow

White blossoms on a mostly bare tree with a grey sky and buildings in the background.

I’ve reached that point in the development of my game engine I’ve been dreading: I’ve got to implement a scroll pane for UI.

Hadn’t used it for a couple of years but the official Mastodon iOS app is really surprisingly great now

Had a lovely time at the Debug Awards - saw our game on a big screen, saw our game on the cover of a magazine, saw lots of lovely pals and wonderful games getting their flowers.

The stage at the indie game awards. The host is off to the left and there is blue and green and pink lighting Me holding Debug magazine with lots of games on it including Feud It’s Feud on the big screen!

Your outie uses version control, even on solo projects.

Ms Casey from Severance

This girl punished us for cheating on her by immediately vomiting up her dinner

A black and white cat sat on my knee and looking guiltily into the camera I should think

Went to cat yoga at the cat cafe for our anniversary!

Two little cats scratching at a grey yoga mat. Lucy giving face scritches to a little grey cat. We called her Yarrow. Lucy holding a little grey cat and looking appropriately delighted Some more cats on yoga mats

Ah lads it feels good to read poems in front of people again

Me reading poems on a stage