All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Not sure how I only just clocked that the gap between Game Boy and Game Boy Color was nine years, that’s wild

Not a huge fan

It’s a wind turbine in a big field

The harness was not a hit

A black and white cat sitting on some grass, wearing a harness and lead

Northern Lights visible from Nottingham!

Northern lights with the silhouette of a church spire Northern Lights, pink and green Northern Lights

It’s sensational, having such a good time with it

A screenshot of Animal Well

It only took me four years but I did it!

A screenshot of the end screen of Hades

Animal Well is 33MB, holy shit

A screenshot of the Steam UI showing that Animal Well is 33MB on disk.

Bloodborne is a cosy game, I will not elaborate

Been playing with shader support in Growl - shaders can now be edited in realtime, and have built in uniforms like resolution and time. Goal is to be able to paste in whatever from Shadertoy and have it work!

A funky shader running in a Growl window. There's a window open showing the shader source in a text box.

Was not prepared for how much fun the Netflix One Piece adaptation is. It’s ace.