All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Arrived in Bristol a little early to meet our friends (by three weeks…) but decided to have a lovely day anyway.

Lucy in pub with pint. Lucy looking down to the Avon from the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge. The suspension bridge.

Destiny is so back (shots from opening mission only!)

A screenshot from Destiny 2. A screenshot from Destiny 2. A screenshot from Destiny 2. A screenshot from Destiny 2.

Things change every time I go home so it’s somewhat reassuring that Belfast International remains the world’s worst airport.

First geocache in years!

A geocache box. There’s a label on it explaining what it is. The log book from the geocache, with blue sky and sea in the background.

Went to my cousin’s wedding yesterday - a gorgeous day.

My cousin dancing with her dad. Me and Lucy being cute in a big circle.

A wander round Mussenden today

Mussenden Temple with the railway tunnel beneath it A view of Downhill with a cloudy sky. The house ruins at Downhill, with Big Art Big Art, with plaque

A walk along Castlerock beach last night. I love how late it gets dark in NI - I took these after 10pm.

Castlerock beach at dusk Lucy and my mum, on the pier The view along the pier Me, Lucy, my parents, my brother and his wife, all by the sea

Took our wee nephew to the Belfast Transport Museum, which was a real favourite when we were wee and it’s still great, actually

A big ol train with my brother looking at a sign My brother and Lucy, driving a train A bit of the museum made to look like an old Belfast street, with trams Me and Lucy on the back of a tram

Zeret Kitchen in Camberwell remains one of my favourite restaurants in London

A big ol huge plate of Ethiopian food

Went to Wide Awake and saw Fat Dog, Charlotte Adigery, Young Fathers, King Gizz

Fat Dog Charlotte Adigery Young Fathers King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard