All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

Went to see the robot ghosts of ABBA and it was really really good actually.

The ABBA Voyage sign in the bar. No photos allowed in the show!

Rolled credits on 1000xRESIST. Need to go away and have a proper think about it but safe to say it’s the best game I’ve played this year.

I threw the big axe

Me with a big axe embedded in the wall.

Just got myself unstuck from a tricky Lua-C interop thing that I’d been going round in circles on for weeks now. Pleased!

“Can’t climb this weekend because foxes ate my shoes” sounds made up. And yet.

A blue climbing shoe. It’s been ripped on the side and one of the laces is torn.

Flock is just so lovely

A screenshot of Flock. A screenshot of Flock. A screenshot of Flock.

Today I saw something I’d never seen before - the contrails from a plane casting a shadow.

A blue sky over the sea with a jet contrail and a shadow extending from it towards the horizon.

Off on an excursion today

A 3DS running Phoenix Wright, with the view out a train window behind it.

Good lord KVM switches are a complicated thing to try and buy

Down in Brighton for Develop and what a joy it is to be around wonderful game devs again.

Green, Joe and Jay. Me and Husban looking delighted. Sophie and Joe looking at a massive boat of sushi. A table full of lovely people.