Jan 31, 2024
So at this point I’ve got:
- Hugo website hosted on GitHub Pages, deployed by GitHub Actions
- Micropub and media endpoints running on AWS Lambda, with API Gateway stuff
- Brid.gy to syndicate things and backfeed interactions
- Webmention.io to collect webmentions
Does it work? Yes! Is it better than if I’d just written a fucking server? hahahaha no
Interact with this note:
Joel Auterson
So at this point I’ve got:
- Hugo website hosted on GitHub Pages, deployed by GitHub Actions
- Micropub and media endpoints running on AWS Lambda, with API Gateway stuff
- Brid.gy to syndicate things and backfeed interactions
- Webmention.io to collect webmentions
Does it work? Yes! Is it better than if I’d just written a fucking server? hahahaha no