Everything tagged with 'essay'

· You gotta do your prerolls

My pal Zach has this ritual when we play D&D - before we start, he rolls the D20. Over and over and over again.

· Turns out immersive theatre isn’t video games

I went to see Punchdrunk’s The Burnt City the other night. In the bar on the way in, I confidently said to my partner, “immersive theatre is video games”.

It isn’t.

· The Good Shit Pizza Manifesto

I moved from East to South London in the summer of last year. South London has been amazing, especially for food, but there’s one thing missing.

· COVID-19 app incompatibility points at a larger issue in tech

After six months and £11m of public money wasted, England and Wales finally have a functional contact tracing app for COVID-19. You can download it now - as long as your phone is new enough. Why this limitation?

· The best days of my life

I finally got around to picking up Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC. This was a very big step for me. Let me explain.

· Update from the Fringe

My flatmate/co-host Jake bangs on my door shortly after I wake up.

“Coffee?” “Please mate.”

· Pokémon Go

This isn’t really going to be a game review. Taken purely as a game, and ignoring its wider impact, Pokémon Go is not very good. It crashed frequently before a recent update, there’s nothing to do outside populated areas, the drain on battery and mobile data is high, and it’s incredibly hard for new players coming in to the game a few weeks late to catch up.

· It's time to stop pre-ordering

It’s been a little while since I was really excited for the release of a game. The last time was probably Halo 4’s release this time three years ago (for the record, it was disappointing), and the last time I pre-ordered a game was, I think, Mass Effect 3, six months earlier.

· Pixels Are Evil

The game development landscape has changed significantly over the last few years (understatement of the century, but whatever). One of the most significant of these changes , especially for game developers - though it’s one that often goes unnoticed - is the rise of screen resolution and aspect ratio fragmentation.

· Uplift: A Postmortem

Before I begin, I should point out: Uplift isn’t dead. The Kickstarter for Uplift is dead. Sensationalist title, I know. Let’s pretend I’ve been learning how to be a journalist. Because having a blog definitely makes me a journalist, right? Ahem.

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